New technological advances have provided all sectors with new tools to optimise their operations. In the case of car dealerships, it is highly recommended that sales departments implement a fundamental software: CRM for the automotive industry.
What is an automotive CRM?
The amount of advantages that a program of these characteristics brings to your commercial department are very wide, since it allows to have all the information of your clients in a single database, allowing you to take the most important decisions to achieve your objectives.
CRM programs are very numerous and widespread in all sectors, so you can choose a specific one for the automotive sector. Among the ones you can find in the market, we recommend AutoNET, a program created specifically for car dealers.

Among the functions you can perform are:
- Customer rates and promotional campaigns are always up to date.
- Since all the information is integrated, you can create and send offers almost immediately.
- Each client has their own personalised file within the programme, where all the information is recorded. From the card you can do the operations that you may need with customers, such as booking cars, making appointments with the workshop, preparing budgets, sending offers, sending emails …
- Manage the dealer’s stock. You can register new or second-hand vehicles, carry out valuations and record them, budgets and agendas for each of the cars, print the exhibition sheets, link the vehicles in the system with those exhibited and integrate the stock of the dealership with different online sales pages.
- Detailed reports and sales metrics. The system analyzes your dealership in real time, as it has the updated data with each operation. This allows you to be generating analysis at the same time you continue operating. You can know how many vehicles you have sold at this time, compare it with previous years, traffic people in the dealership, best-selling models or level of achievement of objectives.
- The program is hosted in the cloud and is therefore completely online. You can access the program and work with it from any device anywhere.
- The system allows users to associate permissions to give access to the different CRM modules. With this we segment the data to avoid access to confidential information by unauthorized people.
The importance of UX automotive CRMs
The term UX comes from English and refers to the user experience. It is very important that the user experience is taken into account when you implement a CRM in your dealership for it to be successful.
For this to happen the automotive UX must be taken into account:
- Identify the user experience by sector.
It is often thought that the user experience is the same in all businesses and sectors, but this is not the case, in each business the experience with customers, businesses and problems differ. So choosing a very generic CRM is not always good, it is much better to choose a specific one for automotive, which has been designed based on its characteristics and the needs of its users. - A receptive experience.
The user can make positive or negative comments about their daily relationship, but if they are not collected and taken into account, they are worthless. They must be taken into account and used to improve the system. - Excessive screens for navigation.
Choose a program that simplifies to the maximum the way of working. An excess of screens causes your workers to waste too much time jumping from window to window. Make sure that all the information is collected in as few forms as possible. - Keep users in mind.
Users are the ones who use the software the most, so they have to be comfortable in their daily work. The CRM Autonet has taken into account all the opinions of the people who work daily in the dealerships to develop the program.
Improving dealer customer management
The CRM is a program to improve the operability of the commercial department, therefore, the management of dealer customers has to be the core of the activity.
- Improvement of the corporate image. A quick response with an offer without gaps is going to leave a very good image of your company in front of customers.
- Loyalty to customers. The system will allow you to send welcome emails to customers, collect their opinions about your products and offers, or know the reasons why they have not bought your vehicle.
- Segment your customers. It is very important that you can offer personalized attention to your customers. Congratulations on birthdays, offers according to taste or new product launches.
An automotive CRM is an excellent product and necessary for the management of your dealership. Choosing the most efficient one and implementing it correctly will improve your business.